Bomb Suit Manufacturers & Suppliers
Med-Eng designs, tests and manufactures the world’s most trusted brand of bomb suits for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD) operations.
The EOD® 10 Bomb Suit and Helmet has just been introduced to set the mark as the next generation bomb suit. Its design was focused on the specific operational needs of bomb technicians in terms of movement and capabilities, in addition to protection. Users will immediately appreciate its outstanding ergonomic design to move more freely and its enhanced situational awareness to stay informed with the surrounding environment. As with all Med-Eng bomb suit generations before it, the EOD 10 offers superior overall protection.
Users who will continue to use their EOD 9 Suit with their EOD® 9/9A Helmet can update their platform by integrating several new capabilities:
- EOD Helmet Camcorder – providing HD video and audio mounted into the EOD® 9/9A Visor
- EOD Helmet Live Video – providing a live stream of HD video and audio from the bomb tech to the Command Post
- Automated Speech Recognition – enabling a bomb tech to control all functions of the EOD® 9/9A Helmet equipment through ‘hands free’ voice recognition.
For operations requiring high mobility and protection against blast and fragmentation, Med-Eng offers the TAC 6 modular ensemble.
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